Jackal and Hyde

jackal | noun | ‘ja kǝl | 2b: a person who serves or collaborates with another, especially in the commission of base acts.

My fellow Americans and my brothers and sisters in Christ: We have a jackal in the White House.

My soul seethed tonight as Joe Biden, standing in front of a drenched-red Independence Hall as if to conjure images of Stalin’s reunion tour, once again warned our country of the most threatening enemy to our democracy: Me.

If only his barely coherent speeches employed a modicum of uniformity, I could perhaps decipher which name tag to don. But it is the subtle craftiness of the serpent to use sweeping, nondescript collectivist pejoratives to cast the widest and most indiscriminate net possible.

If you bookend the 2021 inaugural speech with today’s back-to-school brotherly love speech, our dollar store dictator can’t seem to consistently identify this perilous anti-constitutional assailant who looks and thinks like me.  

In a succession of speeches, Ol’ Uncle Joe has entreated the nation to not see me as an individual but rather as a member of a sinful tribe of the most sordid ilk: White supremacists, Christian nationalists, domestic terrorists, right-wing extremists, vaccine-hesitant, semi-fascists, and deniers of both the election and the climate. 

And tonight, Joltin’ Joe revealed the next card in his identitarian Rolodex: MAGA Republican.  

Bless me, Father, for Biden told me I have sinned. It has been three speeches since my last confession.

Notice how Joe never takes the time to carefully clarify who these enemy combatants are. This is all part of the simulation because if he spoke in specifics, even his most hypnotized followers would realize they couldn’t fill a minor league ball field with these deplorables. (Hillary’s use of basket was aptly chosen based on seating capacity.)

This is why Biden’s collectivist rhetoric is so eerily disturbing and recklessly dangerous. Once a significant percentage of the citizenry can be labeled treacherous and inferior, the catastrophe of identitarian collectivism has taken root. Whether it be Soviet dissidents, Jewish vermin, Tutsi cockroaches, or MAGA Republicans, dehumanization and cultural extermination have been initiated.

The serpent always hopes you see the forest and not the trees.

Jackal and Hyde

We have confirmed that the speech read tonight in Philadelphia was penned by two writers; the respectable Dr. Henry Jekyll and the sinister Mr. Edward Hyde. How else can we describe the bipolar nature of his ramblings?

In each of us there are two natures…good and evil. It is the curse of mankind that these polar twins should be constantly struggling.  

~ Prologue, Jekyll and Hyde The Musical

In one breath, Dr. Jekyll declares, “In America, all are created equal.” Then in the next, Mr. Hyde sneers at these MAGA Republicans, “They fan the flames of political violence.”

Jekyll returns to assure us, “I’m an American president. Not the president of red America or blue America but of all America.” Hyde snatches the mic and hisses, "MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our republic.”

Shoving Hyde off of his bicycle, Jekyll bellows, “I believe in the give and take of politics. In disagreement and debate and dissent.” To which Hyde leaps on Jekyll’s back and secures him in a full nelson screeching, “Makes no matter what the white supremacists and the extremists say!”

Despite the seal-like cheers of the baited crowd, this story of the increasing struggle between these polar twins does not end well.  

Jekyll dies by committing suicide. The author, Robert Louis Stevenson, wrote the ending so that it is not absolutely clear whether Jekyll is still in control at the end or if it is Hyde who actually commits the act of suicide; however, because they are the same physical being, when one dies, the other also dies.

~ Excerpt from BookQuestions.com

It has been said: If America were ever to be destroyed, it will have been from within. When one side dies, the other also dies because they are of the same substance.

Who’s In Charge Here Anyway?

I doubt the speech writers understand the breadth of the founders’ phrase, “We the People”, but I am glad it was repeated throughout the speech. What should terrify everyone on the political spectrum is the ever-increasing power-grab our government is usurping from We the People.

To the Christians who believe Romans 13 charges us to not resist government authority, stop and reconsider.

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God’s appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God. So the person who resists such authority resists the ordinance of God and will incur judgment.

~ Verses 1,2

Remember who is identified in the U.S. Constitution as having formed this more perfect union: We the People. In the American system of government, the elected leaders are the ones subjected to Romans 13 as they serve the governing authorities of We the People — not vice versa.

The jackal stands in horrifying violation of Romans 13, along with the planetary puppet masters he is beholden to. While Dr. Jekyll places the crosshairs on his political opponents and spends our taxes on behemoth programs in hopes to buy votes, Mr. Hyde is capriciously complying with the World Economic Forum’s global, anti-human agenda which is also entirely antichrist.  

Take a geopolitical tour of the earth and behold the collapse of nation after nation due to energy shortages, food shortages, and the intentional dismantling of civilization all in the name of — saving the planet. Only a carefully crafted simulation can inflict scarcity in the land of abundance.

Resultantly, the same crowds that cheered one regime into power now jeer as they overthrow the same. 

Crowds cheered as the jackal mandated vaccines but now jeer as loved ones suffer the consequences. The crowds applaud make-believe money handouts but now curse their unaffordable monthly expenses. 

The crowds stood to their feet for the token appointments across this administration based on intersectionality but now vehemently denounce the over-sexualization of their children. The crowds proudly sank their Ukraine yard signs into their plot only to realize tens of billions of dollars have disappeared into the dark mist of malevolent hands.

The lockstep sustainability crowds who were joyfully animated to shut down fossil fuel production will now be forced to worriedly watch if Europe can survive the upcoming winter.

This is why crowds are never to be trusted — or joined. The same crowd that hails, “Hosanna!”, only days later will decry, “Crucify him!” It all depends on who is holding the mic.

One or Done

While a more perfect union is a union of We the People, the most perfect union is only attainable through the resurrected Christ.

Father, the glory you gave to me I have given to them, that they may be one just as we are one — I in them and You in Me…

~ Jesus, to His Father in John’s Gospel

Only two nations were formed directly with God. Israel was established because God loved Israel. America was established because America loved God. To erase God from this more perfect union is to guarantee its demise.

If you can codify an agreed-upon definition of a MAGA Republican, I’ll let you know if I am one or not. Until then, carefully consider a tenet from The Art of War: Know your enemy.

Even the Press Secretary lacks the acuity to identify the enemy and instead pits neighbor against neighbor:

When you are not where the majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme. That is an extreme way of thinking.”

~ Karine Jean-Pierre

If the Bible is to be revered as the high-water mark of eternal wisdom and revelation, which I believe it is, then it is crystal clear this battle is not democrat versus republican, left versus right, Trump versus Biden, or fellow American versus his neighbor. This war is waged in the unseen spiritual realms, against rulers of darkness, and the demons who have deceived God’s image bearers to become their mouthpieces.

The jackal either does not perceive the real enemy or is content to be a soulless marionette, awkwardly fumbling on paper knees as the planetary puppet masters play their games with your life. Because when the general is this deceived, there is no chance of winning the war.

The founders of this nation were brilliant, godly men, despite what the history department reports. They lived through a tyranny so brutal, that none of us can begin to imagine. That is why their prophetic formularies and keen warnings conceived nearly 250 years ago profoundly apply to life in America today. The question is; will we take heed?  

The powerful companion to We the People is E Pluribus Unum. From many, one.  

Today, we have lost our one.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


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