A Smear of Queer Theory

Professor James Lindsay recently said something that has stayed with me like a thorn in my heel. He explained how Critical Race Theory’s pernicious spread through our school systems has only been a precursor. A primer. CRT has been the forerunner to something vastly more sinister and wholly more destructive.

The grand finale of the Left’s quest to thoroughly ravage and shatter our children’s sense of identity probes far deeper than our layers of melanin. The madness of the Left will not relent until it has thoroughly soaked everything with a heavy smear of Queer Theory.  

To compare the aftermath of each, CRT is a Glade room air freshener while Queer Theory is a jet-engine crop duster designed to saturate everything — and everyone.  

This is not to say CRT is benign or profitable, but — we can recover and heal from our racial differences without castration, sterilization, and mutilation.

What is Queer Theory?

To queer something is to make it needlessly and endlessly complex - so complex that only a qualified theorist can decipher it. The supreme example of a crop-dusted topic is: What is a woman? The queering of sex and gender rendered a Supreme Court Justice mentally crippled from being able to provide us with the eternally indisputable answer.

Like most of today’s social justice cudgels levied by the left to bludgeon society in submission, Queer Theory finds its roots in Marxism. Marxism’s aim has always been to erase the identity of the individual and replace it with two primary collectives: The oppressed and the oppressors.  

Once the classification of oppressors is declared (by fiat), the system works tirelessly to silence, punish, and even eradicate the oppressors while perpetually promising perfection to the oppressed — a promise that is never fulfilled.

In the case of Queer Theory permeating through our schools, the hideous oppressors to be eradicated are — mothers and fathers. Mothers and fathers of school-aged children are deemed the malevolent threat to society, along with anyone else who holds fast to the biological fact that there are only two immutable genders. 

And who are the oppressed you may ask? The oppressed are healthy school-aged children, non-binary teachers, and LGBTQIA2+ activists.  

Let this sink in for as long as needed.

To quickly state the obvious: Yes, intersex is a documented anatomical condition that is surely traumatizing to those who suffer from it. These children not only deserve the greatest offering of care, support, and counseling but also deserve anonymity.  

But to be certain, Queer Theory is not focused on this fractional minority. 

Queer Theory’s frenzy is to forcefully confuse and convince the majority of anatomically sound and biologically normal children that they are not normal. And it’s working.

The number of young Americans who identify as something other than heteronormative is skyrocketing. Gallop found the overall increase is due to “High LGBTQ self-identification, particularly as bisexual.”  

Additionally, journalist Glenn Greenwald reports that transgenders have quickly outnumbered lesbians primarily because “Traditionally masculine girls are being encouraged to identify as transgender.”

In 2017, 10.5% of GenZ young adults identified as something other than heteronormative. Just four years later in 2021, that number doubled to 21% and shows no signals of slowing. Intriguingly, during the same period, Millennials only increased from 7.8% to 10.5%, Boomers from 4.1% to 4.2%, and the Silent Generation remained unchanged at .8%  

Why are the younger generations jettisoning their binary heterosexuality faster than any other?

Systemic Marxism

Professor Lindsay explains that Marxism is like the operating system on a computer. Once the system is loaded, you can plug various programs into it. No matter the program, the results are the same: societies devolve into catastrophic chaos 

Consider 20th-century history. The economic program was plugged into Soviet Russia. The class program was plugged into Mao’s China. The race program was plugged into Nazi Germany. The result? Over 150 million people were slaughtered by their governments - and that number tragically excludes casualties of war. 

Today’s Neo-Marxist, or Queer Marxists, have been subtlety but steadily plugging the gender program into their hellish operating system and bundling it as an entertainment package for children. In just a few short years, behold the chaos: Rampant sexual assault in genderless bathrooms and locker rooms, teachers fired for violating pronoun preferences, a plethora of pornographic textbooks flooding elementary schools, school administrators secretly grooming students without parental consent, and “family-friendly” drag queen shows playing in a library near you. 

Queer theory’s goal is to separate the student from three so-called socially constructed constraints: their sexual identity, their family, and their religion.

Once successfully separated, hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and radical constructive surgery offer the gateway to fulfillment and freedom. 

Don’t hear me wrong. I know people who are going through this process and while I can't understand it, my heart breaks for any beleaguered soul who suffers from gender dysphoria. However, it is dim, low-resolution thinking to conflate disdain for the system with disdain for the individual.

This is why it is entirely possible to love your gay family members and friends and thoroughly resist the LGBTQIA2+ movement along with its rainbow acid rain.

My unwavering protestations are firmly aimed at the programs, systems, and movements that relentlessly churn to usurp the sovereignty of the nuclear family and shatter a child’s sense of normal

Removing all semblances of normal is another Luciferian tenet of Queer Theory. Queering promises you can shed the skin of societal expectations and become something, or someone, that you are not.  

You don’t have to be a daughter. You don’t have to be straight. You don’t have to be the gender assigned to you at birth. You don’t have to obey authority and you don’t have to listen to what the church has to say.  

You can be like God and create whoever you want to be.

Queer Theory is Neo-gnosticism in that secret knowledge and self-actualization yield the supreme state of being. Eat from the forbidden tree and you can be a god:

…when you eat from it your eyes will be open and you will be like God and know good and evil.

~ The Serpent, Genesis 3.

For the Queer Theorist, normal is hell and queer is heaven.

If Not the Family, Who?

I have watched uncountable videos and podcasts of twenty-something pink-hairs who boast how they derange and pervert innocent students with their sinister syllabus of Queer Theory. The constant I am finding in these leftist ideologues and drag queen predators is this— they are not raising children of their own.

Raising a healthy, confident, and competent child is the single greatest calling any human being can aspire to fulfill on God’s good earth. So much so, it requires a mother and a father, two working as one, to train up a child who will know the ways of The Lord and never depart from them.

When I watch these heavily tattooed pin-cushioned teachers pretend to find joy in queering their students, I see pain, trauma, and woundedness in their eyes.

Instead of relinquishing their pain and receiving healing from On High for their despair, it is almost as if they want to perpetuate and replicate their suffering by inflicting the same trauma on the perfect, innocent canvasses entrusted to them.

Hurt people hurt people.

God Help Us

Elohim’s invitation will never change.  

Be fruitful and multiply. Replenish the earth and subdue it.

~ Elohim, Genesis 1

Stop and think about some of the programs spiking America’s CPU right now in an attempt to thwart and dismiss Elohim’s command: Abortion, fatherless homes, Pride parades, transgender surgeries, gang warfare, fentanyl, and Queer Theory. They all shake their fist at the goodness of God and refuse to be fruitful, multiply or glorify God by subduing the earth — which essentially means bringing chaos into order.

Queer Theory seeks to turn order into chaos.

The snarky side in me says: Stop trying to thwart these leftist fools and let them flourish in their haze of madness. Their ideology is wholly anti-procreative so rest assured -- they have brazenly inaugurated their extinction within a single generation.

But that is not the voice of Adonai and snark is not a fruit of the Spirit. He would that none should perish. And a proper understanding of perishing in scripture is more than a metaphor for punishment in hell. It is a description of a life lost, ruined, and destroyed here and now.

Jesus came so that we can see what the Father is like. Jesus came so that we can have an abundantly purposeful and joy-filled life. But Jesus also came to fiercely protect our children from anyone who would do them harm.

Millstones Don’t Float

Jesus never minces words, and no better example is when he describes what he thinks of adults who cause little children to suffer or stumble:

If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a huge millstone tied around his neck and to be thrown into the sea.

~Jesus in Mark’s Gospel

Behold how much Jesus values children and take note; He is not threatening to drown the perpetrators. No, it’s worse than that. He is describing that a gruesome death by drowning would be preferable in comparison to enduring the inevitable consequences of compromising young children in any way.

May we have eyes to see our children with the same fierce love Christ has for them. May we protect the innocence of our children with everything we’ve got and have the discernment to know when not to entrust them to these broken systems all around us. And may we never relinquish our God-given calling to put our children’s well-being before our own.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


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