2000 Mules or 2020 Fools?

2000 Mules brings the next wave of damning evidence to the 2020 Fools who insist our last general election was “The most secure in American history.”  This ludicrous, propagandized trope continues to rinse and repeat its way through the Corporate Media spin cycle as if the American people live in tents in the woods — which, at this point, is far more appealing than living in Joe Biden’s version of America.

Dinesh D’Souza, author, filmmaker, and compelling intellectual, has been around politics for a long time.  As is always the case, the Left hates and dismisses him while the Right reveres and learns from him.  In the case of 2000 Mules, America should prove herself ambidextrous and everyone should watch this film and decide for themselves.

D’Souza joins forces with the brilliant, tech-savvy, and profoundly impressive team at True the Vote to synthesize cellular geo-tracking data with video surveillance footage to capture the most blatant, easy to understand criminal activity in election history.  

As Danny Ocean said in Oceans Eleven when charged with being a liar; 

I only lied about being a thief.

Our oligarchical elites rely upon a single constant as they forge their way to unchecked power and control:  An incurious citizenry.  With the cognizant depth of Baretta’s cockatoo, the well-trained masses continue to squawk; There is absolutely no evidence of election fraud whatsoever.  To which I respond:  It’s time for your cracker, Fred.

In 2000 Mules, everyone can plainly see the unleashed, forensic power of how cell phone geo-spacial data can be used for good when placed in the hands of honest, master technicians who are intent on uncovering the truth.  If for no other reason, please watch this movie to understand you have already licensed your mobile phone to unabatedly collect your personal data and plot your latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates so that it can be sold to the highest bidder.  Or lowest.  

Your “private data” is handily used by any and all suitors to describe to the world your behavior, your interests, and every movement you make here on planet earth.

True the Vote spent millions of dollars purchasing uncountable petabytes of geo-spacial data for specific, democratic precincts in the five key swing states where ballot drop boxes were used:  

True the Vote has the largest store of election intelligence for the 2020 elections in the world.  No one has more intelligence than we do.

~ Gregg Phillips, True the Vote

Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht are key cast members in this real-life saga.  Using super-computers and innovative programming techniques, they explain to us how they were able to cull frequency anomalies for dropbox visitation.

In true never let a crisis go to waste fashion, the SARS-COV-2 frenzy yanked basic rights and societal provisions right out from under our feet.  Or in this case, our fingers.  The process by which individuals cast their vote was quickly and illegally mangled beyond recognition as the once-simple process became a three-ringed crime syndication circus.

By creating a digital fence around selected drop boxes, patterns began to emerge that showed how many times the same cell phone traveled inside a fence.  If our motto is one-person one-vote, why would people need to visit multiple lockboxes over and over again to cast their one vote?

Let’s Go to the Video

To further bolster their astounding investigative process, True the Vote was able to request and collect over four million minutes of corresponding video surveillance footage at each of the drop boxes in question.  Almost predictably, it was soon discovered the vast majority of these videos, which were required to be secured by law, were unusable.  In Jeffrey Epstein-like fashion, we learn that the camera’s were either turned off, pointed at the ground, or had a compromised lens.  

In the case of the 2020 election, the noose was not around Donald Trump’s neck — it was around yours.

Nonetheless, there was plenty of useful, high-quality footage that was overlaid with the geo-tracking data to reveal to the world what the patterns of a ballot mule looks like.  In the same manner, a drug mule is used to moved illegal substances from one location to another, a ballot mule does the same thing. Except in this case, the contraband is your illegal ballot and the poppy fields are dirty voter roles, counterfeit ballots, and vulnerable senior citizens.

The abuses of ballot harvesting and ballot trafficking are well documented by this point, but remember this:  Once the chain of custody for a cast ballot is broken, the result is an illegal vote.  Additionally, it is illegal in all fifty states for anyone to be paid to gather ballots and submit them into the election process.

Under the cover of darkness, the videos show mule after mule open their backpack in the wee hours of the morning and like a Blackjack dealer, feed numerous ballots into the box.  As Eric Metaxas says in the movie:  Don’t we all vote at one o’clock in the morning?

Some ballot smugglers are seen taking pictures as they work.  Whistleblowing mules in the documentary explain how the pictures are used as proof to receive payment.

What’s In a Vote?

If you glean your news from the globalist grid, you probably haven’t heard of this documentary — and that includes conservatives as both Fox News and Newsmax refuse to mention 2000 Mules.

Real data.  Real video.  Real analysis.  Real criminal activity.  Ask yourself; why would major “News” outlets avoid this story?

The correct answer is not, “Because the Supreme Court found no evidence of election fraud in every case brought before it.”  Wrong.  Every case brought before the Supreme Court was rejected before evidentiary hearings were allowed.  The Texas lawsuit was the only case reviewed but it was quickly dismissed due to standing.

It’s true we can not prove that every illegal vote went for Biden.  However, this is precisely why the entire story of the 2020 election has little to do with the candidates and everything to do with We The People.  With over half the country doubting if our election process is accurate, the response we need is robust investigation as opposed to sweeping censorship.

Exactly when did America begin fashioning itself after the CCP as opposed to holding fast to our founding documents?

Utilizing very conservative estimates, basic analysis of the data in only the targeted counties reveals an astonishing numbers of ballots that were cast illegally:

Michigan: 125,000 illegal ballots

Wisconsin: 14,000 illegal ballots

Georgia: 30,000 illegal ballots

Arizona: 20,000 illegal ballots

Philadelphia: 275,000 illegal ballots

These numbers are well outside the margin of victory in these key states.  No sane, rational American was asking Vice President Pence to overturn the results but rather:  Engage the necessary testicular fortitude to hold off on certifying the Electoral votes until further investigation could be conducted.  

It is imperative to realize 2000 Mules does not consider the already known and emerging aberrations associated with Dominion Systems, Election Systems and Software, and Smartmatic.  We contested an election for hanging chads in one state and we certainly should have done the same for the most fraudulent election in American history.

Only the guilty want to hurriedly sanitize a crime scene.

Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ


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