Intercessors, It’s Time to Tear Down The Asherah Poles

This piece was commissioned by Intercessors for America.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) just released an LGBTQIA2S+ guidance publication for elementary, middle, and high school faculty and administrators. This catechismal treatise, The LGBTQ Inclusivity in Schools: A Self Assessment Tool, states its purpose to be:


A focused, reasonable, and user-friendly approach to identify potential strategies to increase LGBTQ inclusivity in schools.


If that sounds reasonable to you, scroll a few more pages in the publication and you will find lists of wholly unreasoned multiple-choice questions posed to educators by the CDC.  For example:


During sexual health education lessons, I describe anatomy and physiology separate from gender (e.g., “a body with a penis,” “a body with a vagina”).


The answer they are looking for? A) This statement applies to me a great deal.


Scroll a bit more to find another reasonable brainteaser for an elementary school teacher:


I present information on all types of sex, not centering only on penis/vagina penetrative sex.


According to their scoring system, be sure to select answer A) again, otherwise be flagged as insufficiently inclusive.




Who Is This For?


Most studies show that less than one percent of the U.S. population identifies as transgender or non-binary. This means, by the CDC’s own definition of inclusivity, 99% of the population who are not beset with gender dysphoria are being prohibited from using biologically reasoned language.


The initial reaction and foremost observation should be: Why is a bureaucratic agency of the government, tasked with managing diseases and public health, promoting sex and gender policy aimed at school-aged children? 


This stampeding rush to thrust scientifically untested creeds upon school-aged children is less a matter of health and more a religious indoctrination to their cult — A carefully crafted cult designed to separate children from their identity, from their faith, and from their family.


As expressed across many of my pieces, this is not a statement to individuals who identify as LGBTQIA2S+. Instead, this is an all-out, offensive assault on the deceptive movements, evil agendas, and cultic tactics being used to inculcate children with unreasonable, unnatural, and hyper-sexualized ideation.


Who Do You Trust?


From an evidentiary standpoint, is the CDC trustworthy anymore? The CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were catastrophically inept in their murderous bumbling of SARS-COV-2 and the vaccines. Now, as they pivot from their admitted failures of the Covid pandemic toward our children’s sexuality, why should we trust them?  


More importantly; why are we letting them?


The phrase, “The science is settled” should be nominated as the most deceptive aphorism of the 21st century. And nowhere does it miss the mark more achingly than in today’s non-scientific understanding of sex, gender, and trans — particularly for children.


Of the 20 citations footnoted in the aforementioned gender justice handbook, one is missing, two circularly refer to the CDC’s own materials, and the remaining 17 link to an NIH site.  This type of preaching to the choir is despicable enough until you stop to realize — our children are their choir.


Remember, this is the same CDC that promotes Q Chat Space, an online forum designed to inject young children with LGBTQIA2S+ ideology. Children can secretly learn about gender transitioning, polyamorous relationships, and the occult while remaining stealth from their parent’s monitoring. 


I am concerned about the CDC and other state and federal government agencies promoting 'Q Chat' to underage children. This site promotes hormone replacement for kids, usurps parental rights, and even exposes children to the occult--all while encouraging kids to hide the site from their parents.

~ Dave Kubal, Intercessors for America, President

In a weak attempt to feign innocence, the CDC equivocates several times in the publication.  First, they disclaim, “…the ideas and opinions expressed within [linked resources] do not represent the official opinion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).“ They also state the self-assessment is “Not a required tool for auditing or punishing school staff.

Based on how quickly the radicalization of our education system is happening, we should all hold a holy disgust for any government agency that would dare distribute such a publication knowing most parents vehemently disagree with such systematic indoctrination of their children.

Who Is The Real Enemy?


A Christian friend recently told me; the church should not embattle with the cultural and political issues happening today. Instead, we should just “Focus on the Kingdom.”


I genuinely do not know what that practically means.  Based on scripture, I’m not sure God does either:


Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, and cut down their Asherah poles.

~ Adonai to Moses. Exodus 34


Long before the days of the Abrahamic Covenant, pagan gods manipulated, dominated, and devastated untold numbers of civilizations. Regardless of whether the people believed or not, they were compelled to offer unfettered devotion and sacrificial worship to these gods — And it was mostly out of fear.


These gods demanded unreasonable sacrifices, disfiguring self-mutilation, and perverted sexual rituals to secure appeasement. Predictably, the children suffered the most.  


It seems the Biblical edict remains true; there is nothing new under the sun. Whether 4000 BC or 2023, the adults who reject The Lord often race to appease the pagan forces by sacrificing the children first.  


Consider the debilitating mask mandates, unnecessary school closures, and harmful vaccines for children who had no risk from the pandemic. To preserve a charade of temporal stasis, far better to let the young suffer than to place yourself on the altar of self-examination and surrender. Sounds a lot like the CDC.


The goddess Asherah, the supposed mother of Baal and priestess of fertility, was one of the most powerful and feared forces in the ancient world. Known for proliferating sexual deviancy and gender confusion, worshippers were led to believe that all expressions of sexual indulgence were profitable, men could become women, and women could become men.


There is nothing new under the sun.


Asherah was most often represented as a graven image carved from hardwood trees. Hence, the term Asherah pole is used in scripture nearly 40 times. The most important thing to realize is this: The culture of that day deemed the worship of Asherah resolutely superior to the worship of Adonai. Sounds a lot like the CDC.


What Shall the Christian Do?


In a similar fashion to Moses, behold how Adonai commands Gideon to not only tear down his father’s Asherah pole but to burn it.


Gideon was threshing wheat in the place where grapes were pressed for wine so he could hide it from the Midianites

~ The Book of Judges, Chapter 6


The harvesting of wheat and the pressing of grapes were performed in separate seasons. At the time, the Israelites were under siege by their enemy and at risk of famine. Each time the Israelites harvested crops, the enemy stole them. And each time they pressed the grapes for wine, likewise, the enemy stole it.  


To preserve the life of his nation, Gideon was processing the wheat in the wine press to hide from the enemy. It was there the Angel of the Lord appeared and declared:


The Lord is with you, courageous warrior.


To which, the befuddled Gideon replied:


Pardon me, but if The Lord is with us, why has so much disaster overtaken us?


How many of us are asking that same question today? But it was at that point Yahweh appeared:


You have the strength. Have I not sent you? I will be with you.


Do not miss the progression! First, Gideon was doing the right thing at the right time. The problem was; he was in the wrong place. Yes, it was the time to harvest the wheat for bread, but out of fear he was threshing in the place intended for the wine.  


How many believers have been sowing their seeds and working the harvest, only to watch the bread get stolen? And how many intercessors are crying out for the new wine of The Spirit, only to watch the grapes get confiscated?


These are days when the enemy is voraciously stealing every good thing noble people have worked decades to create. If you are in a church that agrees with my friend and says it’s best not to embattle the culture or politics — run. And if you are surrounded by people who are intent to comply with pagan forces like the CDC — run.  


And if your children attend a school that promotes this type of sexualized propaganda — grab your children and run.


Second, the promissory pronouncement of The Lord was preceded by an angelic visitation. Scripture tells us that sometimes we unknowingly entertain angels. The key is: When we are visited, do we remain unaware, or do we listen and ask more questions like Gideon?


And third, on behalf of our nation, might The Lord be asking us to do the hardest thing imaginable? Small groups, quiet times, and church on Sundays are beneficial but they are hardly sacrificial. However, to stand up and speak out against the patterns and practices held by those we love the most might be the most excruciatingly sacrificial act you can do:


That night, the Lord said to Gideon, ‘…tear down your father’s Baal altar and cut down his Asherah pole…and offer a burnt sacrifice on the wood from the Asherah pole that you cut down.’


Notice Gideon is not told to tear down his father. This is the whole point: We can boldly tear down lies, deceptions, and arguments yet still honor those who wrongly believe in them.  


The non-believers of our day will dismiss a goddess like Asherah as nothing more than myth, fable, and lore. But to dismiss the power of these unseen evil forces is to live in subjection to them. 


How Shall the Intercessor Pray?


Those who can see what The Lord is revealing realize we must call upon the hierarchical powers of Heaven, appropriate the blood of the resurrected Christ, and tear down the pagan towers of deception that are wreaking havoc across our country and within our families. 


Intercessors, this is the right time, and this is the right season.  Be courageous in word, mighty in faith, and expectant for angelic visitations heralding victory after victory in 2023.  All for the glory of God!


And for the sake of our children.


Keith Guinta

In Reverse Order: Mountaineer, Standup Comic, Ironman, Marathoner, Coach, Church Planter, Small Business Owner, Coffee Roaster, Rookie Blogger, Worship Leader, Father, Husband, Younger Brother of Christ

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